Economic Change Unit gründet Research Base für neues ökonomisches Denken
Die Economic Change Unit hat gerade ihren New Economy Brief veröffentlicht - eine Website, die dabei hilft, sich zwischen der wachsenden Zahl innovativer Vorschläge zu Klima, Ungleichheit und anderen Themen zurechtzufinden.
1 MINUK-based non-profit organisation Economic Change Unit has recently initiated a new project: the New Economy Brief. Check out their newly launched website,, which aims to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for new economic ideas and analysis on how we can build a fair, sustainable and resilient economy.
The multiple economic crises of the last decade have made the need for significant reforms strikingly evident. Our economies are environmentally unsustainable, filled with huge inequalities (both between and within countries), they no longer seem to promote general wellbeing, and they have proved alarmingly non-resilient in the face of financial, environmental and pandemic shocks. Fundamental changes in economic thinking, policy and practice are required, and we might already be on the verge of a new paradigm shift. The focus of is thus on policy proposals, showing why a variety of deep reforms are credible responses to our current crises, and how different new economy ideas cohere into a paradigm-shifting whole.

The site provides a valuable resource for people working in and around economic policy. Its target audiences are parliamentarians and their researchers, civil servants and public officials, people and organisations who work around economic policy in civil society, journalists and the media, academics, students, and members of the general public interested in economic and political ideas. The site is UK-focused, but includes material from global partners and seeks to be internationally relevant.
Michael Jacobs (co-founder of the Economic Change Unit) is Managing Editor of the New Economy Brief and its International Advisory Board features many prominent names actively involved in the search for a new economic paradigm – including Forum´s director Thomas Fricke.
You can sign up to their Weekly Digest here and follow them on Twitter.