Re-live: Corona and its lessons: Which understanding of the state will make Germany successful?
Hardly anyone was as much in focus during the crisis as Health Minister Jens Spahn. How has the crisis changed his understanding of a functioning state? Here is his keynote speech and the discussion in the re-live.
29. SEPTEMBER 2020
The systemically important question of the role of the state and the market in the Corona Pandemic 2020 has become an unexpectedly explosive issue. How much should and had the state help when sales in several sectors collapsed in the spring? Putting together billon packages. Getting in with corporations. And what does the current crisis teach us about a new understanding of the state that we might need again in the long term after years of market dogma? The keynote speech by Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn, one of the politicians who has been more preoccupied with the question of state effectiveness than anyone else in recent months. Very practical. Talk and discussion begin at 3:00:43.