Our Events
We host workshops, seminars and expert meetings to promote exchange and discussion about the great challenges of our time. An overview of past events and what's to come.
‘Economic turnaround, but how? Public opinion on the big economic issues’ - with Jens Südekum, Maja Göpel and Achim Wambach
New Economy Short Cut on 5 September
‘Economic turnaround, but how? Public opinion on the big economic issues’ - with Jens Südekum, Maja Göpel and Achim Wambach
Helicopter Money as an Alternative Crisis Tool?
Concerted Action - Preventing the Wage-Price Spiral?
New Roles for the State: Rethinking Government at the Turning of Ages
French Presidential Election - Will the Right Lose Because of Putin?
Cornelia Woll, Moritz Schularick, Anne-Laure Delatte and Shahin Vallée discussed this question in our New Economy Short Cut on April 1.
Super depreciation - A recipe against the approaching recession?
In its coalition agreement, the traffic light government announces an investment premium for "climate protection and digital assets" - the "super depreciation". What economic effects does the government expect from the bonus? And: Does it make sense, also against the background of the current crises, to only focus the measure on digital and climate? We discussed this with Clemens Fuest, Markus Herbrand, Sandra Detzer and Achim Truger.
100 Billion for the Bundeswehr – A Turnaround in Fiscal Policy?
The German armed forces are to receive 100 billion - without violating the debt limits. What does this mean for the course of the Federal Minister of Finance? Will savings have to be made elsewhere? Watch the discussion with Sebastian Dullien, Jens Südekum, Hubertus Bardt and Philippa Sigl-Glöckner as re-live.
Annual Economic Report: Do We Now Measure Prosperity in Germany anew?
“The New Economics: A Manifesto”
Steve Keen has written a new book where he breaks with mainstream economic modeling. In our New Economy Short Cut, Steve discussed his ideas for a new kind of economics with Ann Pettifor and Peter Bofinger. Can his proposals remedy existing shortcomings in the current system?