Article overview
Simons Blog: Why this crisis will bring about a new economic settlement
Policymakers reverted to the status quo after the last recession. This time must be different.
Maja Göpel - "Rethinking our world".
Stabilisation in the crisis: ESM versus Eurobonds
How to ensure the necessary fiscal flexibility for EU-countries? Leading economists debate whether the financing of government action should be ensured through the ESM or joint Eurobonds.
Romer & Garber: How to prevent the economy from dying?
The corona-pandemic has emerged from a health crisis into an economic crisis with looming supply and demand shocks. Nobel prize winner Paul Romer and Alan Garber from Harvard University have laid out a plan to deal with the crisis.
A Systemic Approach to Dealing with Covid-19 and Future Shocks
Our partners at the OECD view the corona crisis as a reason to systematically strengthen the resilience of our economic and social system.
Peter Bofinger: The time for MMT is now
The corona-crisis calls for a "whatever it takes" response on a fiscal level. Peter Bofinger argues that the Modern Monetary Theory gives theoretical justification for such an answer.
OECD (NAEC) Conference – Integrative Economics
On March 5-6, 2020 our partner organization NAEC at the OECD hosted a conference on “Integrative Economics”. The event featured epidemiologist Joshua M. Epstein, Nobel Prize laureate James Heckman and many others.
Robert Shiller on Narratives and the Next Paradigm
Narratives are still underrepresented in economic research. Robert Shiller wants that to change and points to the huge influences in economic developments fueled by narratives.
Shiller on Corona-Panic – Better to shut down financial markets?
The Corona crisis has led to panic in the financial markets. Asset prices in some cases fell even lower than at the time of the financial crisis in 2008, which is why Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller says that one should also think about temporarily suspending the markets.
Coronavirus Means Zero Hour for the European Union
Tom Ferguson (INET) and Edward Kane (Boston College) warn that the EU could collapse if its institutions repeat the mistakes of the Euro crisis.
Robert Shiller on Epidemics of Narratives – and the Corona-Crisis
Nobel prize laureate Robert Shiller is the expert when it comes to narratives in economics. We had the chance to talk to him this monday in an exclusive Forum New Economy seminar about his new book, important narratives and the parallels to the current crisis.
The Distribution of Wealth in Germany, 1895 to 2018
A new study by Thilo Albers, Charlotte Bartels and Moritz Schularick for the first time assesses the long-run evolution of wealth inequality in Germany.
Economic policy in the Corona crisis: Making the most of a crisis?
Covid-19 has paralyzed the global economy. What does this mean for Germany’s unprecedentedly internalized industrial sector? Here we give an overview of the economic policy implications.
IfW Kiel on the EU Financial Transaction Tax: “Instrument suitable, proposed implementation flawed”
According to a recent German-French proposal, a financial market transaction tax (FTT) on the purchase of securities is to be introduced in 10 EU countries. In their study, the authors of the Kiel institute for the world economy compare this proposal in an international perspective and develop policy recommendations.