Article overview
Paradigm Shift in Albania – FES Study on the Relationship between Market and State
The Economy for All initiative of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung presented and discussed a new study on paradigm change on 18.3.2021. Also on the panel that discussed the study – Forum New Economy.
Bidenism and the American Rescue Plan – Part II
Right after getting the $1.9 trillion rescue plan approved, Biden is ready to push for a $3 trillion infrastructure package. How do these measures reflect the changes in economic theory and policy debates?
Makronom Series on the Relationship between the Market and the State in the Post-Corona Age
COVID19 and the climate crises, growing inequality and financial market stability: almost everywhere, the relationship between markets and governments needs to be re-examined. A review of the series in the online magazine Makronom.
Favorite Readings for a New Paradigm – Winter 2020/21
Every three months Forum New Economy is showcasing a hand full of selected research papers that lead the way towards a new economic paradigm.
Beyond Growth: Toward a New Economic Approach
Michael Jacobs writes about new goals and benchmarks for economic and social progress. The report, written for the OECD, is now available in German.
Event – Beyond Growth – Towards a New Economic Approach
Michael Jacobs, Denis Snower, Katharina Beck, Christoph Schmidt and Nicola Brandt discuss on February 15 about the meaningfulness of growth and how to make economic policy more goal-oriented.
Why (and how) liberalism must reinvent itself in the 21st century
Timothy Garton Ash describes what should replace the failed technocratic economic liberalism of the past three decades.
Expert-Seminar - The transformation of the automobile industry in Germany
On 24 February, Forum New Economy organised an online expert seminar on the transformation of the automobile industry where the impact of the transport turnaround on car regions and employment was discussed.
New Economy Working Paper – How to reduce Germany’s current account surplus
Trump will go. But what about US complaints about Germany’s export surplus? Probably not, argue Achim Truger, Jan Behringer and Till van Treeck in an upcomming Op-Ed for the SZ which is based on a study for Forum New Economy.
Retrospect and outlook 2021
We take a look at what the past year has meant for us, as a Forum, and for us all - and give you a glimpse of the exciting projects we are planning for 2021.
A Debt Brake for the 21st Century
In a newly published piece on Makronom, Philippa Sigl-Glöckner lays out her formula for a reform of the German debt brake.
New Economy Working Paper – Change only through crisis?
A new study by Laurie Laybourn-Langton reflects on the strategies for a paradigm shift in an age of coronavirus and environmental breakdown.
New Studies out now: What Drives Inequality in Germany?
In a two-part study commissioned by Forum New Economy, Charlotte Bartels and Carsten Schröder investigate the state of inequality and its drivers.