Article overview
Forum Newsletter #47 – Wrap-up from the New Economy
High standard election campaign
Leopoldina – Corona Pandemic Intensifies Need for Action in German Economic and Social Policy
In their latest statement, scientists analyze the Corona-related economic and social policy situation and outline a possible way out of the crisis.
How much debt is too much?
In light of record levels of public debt, the question of how much debt is too much debt is on the table. Four economists have now discussed this question in a panel discussion.
“Trickle-down economics has never worked.”
US president Joe Biden calls to build the US economy from the middle and bottom up – a clear opposition to tax cuts for corporations and the rich.
Forum Newsletter #45 – Wrap-up from the New Economy
Economy beyond lobby clichés - Millionaires in favor of wealth taxes - New Forum Papers - Symposium on August 31
How German companies feel about key election issues - A mood survey
How do German companies view key campaign issues such as industrial and climate policy shortly before the election? Deutsche Bank surveyed 200 companies on this issue - with surprisingly heterogeneous results.
Climate policy and the modern state: A hydrogen package for Germany
Green hydrogen is considered an essential component for the climate transition. A new study by Tom Krebs develops a modern hydrogen strategy for Germany.
The Forum in the media – green investments, debt brake and income inequality
The 2021 federal election is approaching - and with it the question what the future of the German model may look like. The VIII New Paradigm Workshop provided food for thought and an outline of possible answers, which SZ, Spiegel and co picked up on. An overview.
On climate, jobs and financial stability: Towards a new mandate for central banks?
Whether the ECB needs a new mandate was discussed on the VIII. New Paradigm Workshop by Isabel Schnabel, Adam Tooze, Moritz Schularick, and Laurence Tubiana.
Towards new fiscal rules for the euro zone?
Prominent French economists around Macron have written a reform proposal for the European Stability and Growth Pact and have discussed it at the VIII. New Paradigm Workshop.