Forum-Monitor - Economic turnaround, but how?
What Germans think about industrial policy, climate action, globalisation and the distribution of wealth - and how far this is from what the parties think.
5. FEBRUARY 2025
In the third part of the major survey on the economic crisis and economic policy responses, we sounded out how serious people’s scepticism towards market-liberal guiding principles is – and what kind of state they would like to see to correct undesirable developments. Conclusion: Doubts about self-regulation in the economy run deep. However, most people do not see this as an unconditional call for the state, but rather as a form of targeted self-help. Activation assistance instead of fully comprehensive cover – contrary to what is sometimes attributed to the Germans. In the corresponding evaluation, the main aim was to test sympathy for old market-liberal and newer narratives.
The detailed analysis (featured in DIE ZEIT here) is available here.
What Germans think about government debt and the role of the state was tested in the second wave of the survey. Details here.
Further results of the survey on the major economic challenges – here.