The Berlin Declaration – Five Months Later

A preliminary wrap-up on feedback, interpretations and translations.


21. OCTOBER 2024

*** Read the Declaration and the translation into other languages: FRJPGERITES, NL***


Economists call for an agenda against populism – Article
Stefan Schultz, 29.05.2024, Der Spiegel
Dozens of renowned academics are calling for a reorientation of economic policy. They are proposing far-reaching changes to counter the loss of confidence in liberal democracies.

The Berlin Summit Declaration and the new consensus around industrial policy – Newsletter
Adam Tooze, 29.05.2024, Substack Chartbook 286
“Six years ago a conference like this would have been impossible. The agreement we now have on industrial policy, the lack of fundamental criticism … when I think about it, when I hear myself saying this out loud, I’m amazed.” That was Dani Rodrik yesterday at a conference hosted on the outskirts of Berlin by the Forum New Economy which brought together a group of economists and other experts to discuss the new paradigm of economic policy.

Berlin Manifesto: Influential economists call for more state and less market to strengthen democracy against populists – Article
Romanus Otte, 29.05.2024, Business Insider
In response to the rise of populism, a group of influential economists have called for a more active state, more redistribution and industrial policy to counter distrust of liberal democracies, and in their Berlin Manifesto they call for the state to create jobs, balance inequality and shape better globalization. The call was published by the Forum New Economy and signed by globally influential economists such as Dani Rodrik and Thomas Piketty.

Governments Must Regain Voter Trust With New Economic Policies – Article
Richard McGahey, 30.05.2024, Forbes
Daily reporting on election campaigns (who’s up or down in polls, what did a candidate say today), is obscuring an underlying important theme: voters are very distrustful of government. The Berlin-based Forum for a New Economy has just addressed how to attack this critical problem, saying “to avert major damages to humanity and the planet, we must urgently get to the root causes of people’s resentment” or both democracy and also economic well-being will suffer.

Déclaration de Berlin in Le Monde – Article
Le Monde, 28.06.2024
Législatives 2024: l’appel de 70 économistes internationaux pour « regagner la confiance des peuples »

From the Washington Consensus to the Berlin Declaration – Article
Dani Rodrik, Laura Tyson and Thomas Fricke, Project Syndicate, 27.06.2024
Dozens of leading economists and practitioners convened in Berlin at the end of May for a summit organized by the Forum for a New Economy. Remarkably, the summit led to something resembling a new understanding that may replace the decades-long reign of neoliberal orthodoxy.

From the Washington Consensus to the Berlin Declaration – Article
Dani Rodrik, Laura Tyson & Thomas Fricke, Makronom, 11.07.2024
At their summit near Berlin at the end of May, dozens of leading thinkers adopted a declaration on what could stop new waves of populism. This Berlin Declaration reflects a new vision that could replace decades of market-liberal dominance.

The Berlin Declaration – Winning Back the People – Article
Makronom, 11.07.2024
At the end of May, a number of leading academics and practitioners met at the invitation of the Forum New Economy for a summit near Berlin entitled “Winning Back the People”. At the end of the meeting, the “Berlin Declaration” was adopted, which sets out some key lessons for future economic policy. You can find more background information here. You can read the text of the declaration below.

Moving Beyond Neoliberalism? Historical Reflections on Regime Changes in Global Economic Governance – Article
Hagen Schulz-Forberg, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 17.07.2024
Faith in hyper-globalization has collapsed, but what new narrative and institutions will succeed it? A look at the past provides hints of what is to come. This essay is part of a series of articles, edited by Stewart Patrick, emerging from the Carnegie Working Group on Reimagining Global Economic Governance

Definir el nuevo paradigma después del consenso de Washington – Article
Olivier Blanchard, Pascal Lamy, Isabella Weber, Branko Milanovic, Thomas Piketty, Laurence Tubiana, Shahin Vallée, Le Grand Continent, 20.07.2024
De Olivier Blanchard a Thomas Piketty, de Isabella Weber a Laurence Tubiana, unas decenas de firmas de la revista y economistas de primer orden se reunieron en Berlín en una cumbre organizada por el Forum New Economy para definir un nuevo paradigma. Aquí está.

Definire il nuovo paradigma dopo il Washington consensus – Article
Olivier Blanchard, Pascal Lamy, Isabella Weber, Branko Milanovic, Thomas Piketty, Laurence Tubiana, Shahin Vallée, Le Grand Continent, 20.07.2024
Da Olivier Blanchard a Thomas Piketty–da Isabella Weber a Laurence Tubiana, alcune decine di firme della rivista e di altri economisti di primo piano si sono riuniti a Berlino per un vertice organizzato dal Forum New Economy per definire un nuovo paradigma. Eccolo.

“Berlin Declaration”: Economists stand up against AfD and Trump. – Article
Alexander Hagelüken,, 23.07.2024
Prominent researchers propose an economic turnaround to stop the rise of right-wing populists. Politicians should say goodbye to neoliberalism and take more care of the people.

Globalisation and austerity are destructive. It is time for an economic strategy against the right. – Article
Alexander Hagelüken,, 24.07.2024
An economic turnaround can win back AfD and Trump voters, say leading economists. They have good arguments.

A profession with a left-wing bias: faith in the state is growing in amongst economists. – Article
Thomas Fuster, NZZ, 27.07.2024
Almost 400 economists are calling for a new paradigm for their discipline. They are in favour of more state and less market. Where the money for the major redistribution should come from appears to be a minor matter.

“Winning back the people” Top international economists consider how the rise of populists could be stopped. – Video from minute 21:22
titel thesen temperamente | Max Moor: Das Erste, 18.08.2024
“ttt” spoke to the signatories Adam Tooze, Jens Südekum and transformation researcher Maja Göpel about the new ideas of the ‘Berlin Declaration’ and their meaning.

Economist calls for paradigm shift – Article
Philip Zeitner, Rheinische Post, 27.08.2024
It is nothing less than a paradigm shift in economic policy that dozens of renowned economists are calling for in the ‘Berlin Declaration’. Among them is the Düsseldorf economist Jens Südekum.

The dangers to democracy have a new name: How the fight against the right succeeds – Article
Thomas Gebauer, Frankfurter Rundschau, 23.09.2024
The Berlin Summit Declaration calls for a change of direction to combat right-wing populism. The ‘Gastwirtschaft’ column.

Who Needs a New Economic Paradigm? – Article  (Paywall)
Andrés Velasco, Project Syndicate, 10.10.2024
Most economists are allergic to grandiose calls for new agendas and paradigms. But useful paradigms are about principles, and a set of principles, organized around a paradigm, helps policymakers look for answers that are best for their countries, given their unique history.

Rewatch the conversation between Branko Milanovic and Isabella Weber on the Berlin Declaration:



After decades of overly naive market belief, we urgently need new answers to the great challenges of our time. More so, we need a whole new paradigm to guide us. We collect everything about the people and the community who are dealing with the question of a new paradigm and who analyze the historical and present impact of paradigms and narratives – whether in new contributions, performances, books and events.