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The latest news, debates, proposals and developments on new economic thinking at a glance.
In a recent contribution for INET, Claudia Sahm says that the Congress should refrain from following the unfunded fears of “inflation hawks” as that would result in doing too little – and the disastrous consequences of a timid policy response, such as that of the Great Recession are all too vivid and provide a valid ground for not running that risk anymore. The risks that an insufficient relief package could leave millions of American families unattended, increase inequality, and needlessly prolong the recovery are too high and, conversely the prospects of overheating the economy are too little to justify the risk of letting a big chunk of the population suffer the consequences of the pandemic driven crisis.
Check out the essay where the author goes through the main points informing the debate around the topic and proves the Congress has indeed solid grounds for going big.
The conversation on global challenges and their implications was moderated by Zanny Minton Beddoes, editor-in-chief of The Economist.
What happens to people when the economy and society are organized according to free market principles and state intervention in the economy is minimized? Prof. Dr. Julia Becker from the University of Osnabrück in cooperation with the University of Queensland, (Australia) investigates this question in a new study entitled “Neoliberalism can reduce well-being by promoting a sense of social disconnection, competition and loneliness”. The study was quoted in the Süddeutsche Zeitung (3.2.2021), among others. The authors ask to what extent neoliberalism influences the individual sense of loneliness. Neoliberalism is the idea that progress is best achieved through individual responsibilities and freedom from competition.
The conclusion of the studies is that loneliness and mental health do not occur in a vacuum, but are dependent on the social climate. The neoliberal idea of free competition and individual accountability can lead people to see themselves more in competition with others, feeling less supported by their social groups and networks, which in turn leads to increased loneliness and poorer mental health.
Becker, J.C., Hartwich, L., & Haslam, S.A. (in press). Neoliberalism can reduce well-being by promoting a sense of social disconnection, competition and loneliness. British Journal of Social Psychology.
Link: https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bjso.12438
The surge of speculative investing in GameStop stock is just one example of how the U.S. markets are currently in the grip of the ‘the madness of crowds’>writes journalist John Cassidy in the New Yorker, reminding us of how outdated the old paradigm of believing in the hyper-efficiency of financial markets actually is.
Instead, we should take a deeper look at the theories of Hyman Minsky and Charles Kindleberger to understand and eventually tame such phenomena as the current exuberant stock market boom. Cassidy, in fact, suggests that the Federal Reserve System should act, for example, by imposing margin requirements on equity traders.
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