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the New Economy Ticker
The latest news, debates, proposals and developments on new economic thinking at a glance.
Biden threatens oil companies with excess profits tax – Article (German)
Der Spiegel, 01.11.2022
Shortly before the mid-term elections in the USA, President Biden takes a sharp swipe at the oil industry. “Either it lowers prices at the pump or it pays a higher tax.”
Who Broke American Democracy? – Article
Angus Deaton, Project Syndicate, 27.10.2022
Democracy is premised on equality, and all citizens are supposed to have an equal chance to influence political decisions. But for too long in the United States, the political and electoral systems have catered to the interests of elites and the well-off at the expense of those without a college degree.
How the U.K. Became One of the Poorest Countries in Western Europe – Article
Derek Thompson, The Atlantic, 25.10.2022
Britain chose finance over industry, austerity over investment, and a closed economy over openness to the world.
EU leaders hail breakthrough in gas cap plan to tackle energy crisis – Article
Financial Times, 21.10.2022
Prices fall 7% after member states agree to finalise details on proposals to lower costs for households and businesses.
Michael Sandel – Das Leistungsdenken zersetzt unsere Gesellschaft – Video (German)
SRF, 02.10.2022
“You can make it if you try!” This formula is widely accepted, as is the belief that those who achieve success and prosperity deserve it. Michael Sandel, one of the most successful philosophers, says that this is not true and is even dangerous for the community.
In a new opinion piece for the Financial Times, Martin Sandbu makes the point for opening the discussion about the mandate for central bank, between the poles of independence and democratic accountability:
“Credibility of central banks itself is only as good as the credibility of the macroeconomic regime as a whole. That is not to say central bank independence should be jettisoned, but to ask openly whether it actually works for the economy… Even if monetary considerations should take priority, such monetary dominance is undoubtedly something to be democratically debated, not technocratically imposed.”
Federal government wants to skim off windfall profits in the electricity sector as well – Article (German)
Zeit Online, 19.10.2022
A price brake is to be introduced not only for gas, but also for electricity. The Ministry of Economics wants to skim off profits from the electricity sector.
The gas price brake is better than its reputation – Article (German)
Tom Krebs, Zeit Online, 18.10.2022
The Gas Price Commission’s proposal strikes the right balance between savings incentives and price brakes. But the government absolutely has to improve on one point.
Wars Aren’t Won with Peacetime Economies – Article
Joseph Stiglitz, Project Syndicate, 17.10.2022
Since launching his war of aggression in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has described his barbaric project as a confrontation with the entire West. But while Western governments have responded politically and diplomatically, they have yet to do what is needed economically.
A New Chance for the World Bank – Article
Larry Summers, Project Syndicate, 10.10.2022
The World Bank should be a major vehicle for crisis response, post-conflict reconstruction, and, most importantly, for supporting the huge investments necessary for sustainable and healthy global development. To realize this potential, those attending the Bank’s meeting this week need to step up and do the right thing.
Why market power undermines climate protection – blog post (German)
Max Bank & Nelly Grotefendt, Makronom, 17.10.2022
Time and again in recent years, the consequences of one-sided lobby and market power have become clear – and how difficult it is to limit them.
Due to the abolition of the petrol discount and the 9-euro ticket and further price increases for energy and food, low-income families are particularly hard hit, according to a study by the trade union-affiliated Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK).
“At 11.4 %, the household-specific inflation rate of low-income couples with 2 children was the highest among the households considered here. As has been the case consistently since January 2022, the lowest household-specific inflation rate was recorded by high-income single people (8.0%).”
This means that not only does the inflation rate reach an all-time high of 10% overall, but also the inflation spread between individual population groups of 3.4 percentage points.
Why Services Need an Industrial Policy – Article
Dani Rodrik, Project Syndicate, 12.10.2022
Enhancing productivity in services is notoriously difficult, and it is often impeded by a myriad of well-meaning licensing, safety, and other regulations. But if policymakers are serious about increasing the supply of good jobs for less-educated workers, services are where they must direct their efforts.
The public-private financing cocktail – Article (German)
Michael Peters & Uwe Zöllner, Makronom, 10.10.2022
According to the will of the federal government, the “mobilisation” of private capital is to play a central role in financing the ecological transformation. But this can only lead to success under certain conditions.
Toward a Progressive Economic Agenda – Article
Mariana Maazucato, Project Syndicate, 05.10.2022
Past policy failures and unmet populist promises represent an opportunity for progressive leaders. But to win power, they must articulate a coherent alternative economic-policy program, focusing not only on redistribution but also on wealth and value creation.
The Politics of Pay-Fors: A Simple Framework – Blogpost
JW Mason, October 2022
One of the central economic debates among progressives is over the necessity or desirability of accompanying new public spending with similar-sized tax increases. In recent years perhaps the most visible, or at least the most heated, instances of this debate have been around Modern Mone(tar)y Theory. But the debate itself is broader and older.
Tax rate not the right lever for targeted relief – Article (German)
Katja Rietzler, Wirtschaftsdienst, Oktober 2022
In view of the drastic price increases, the federal government has already launched the third relief package in September 2022. In order to prevent an additional tax burden due to the cold progression, an annual adjustment of the tax rate to the price development is regularly demanded. Why this alone is problematic.