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A new study by Das Progressives Zentrum and the Heinrich Böll Foundation has investigated what German citizens expect from German European policy.
In its coalition agreement, the German government committed itself to an “active European policy” and a “constructive claim to shape” the EU. At the EU level, however, the past year was overshadowed by crisis management in the wake of Russia’s war of aggression. In supporting Ukraine or in energy policy, the EU proved to be capable of acting in many respects, but the scope for action was often trapped in the narrow corset of the crises. The EU continues to face enormous challenges in defence capability and the climate-neutral restructuring of industry. In this context, the fifth edition of the long-term study Selbstverständlich europäisch!? examines how the German population assesses Germany’s role in the EU and what their expectations are.
Read the whole study here.
A new policy brief by the Jaques Delors Centre in Berlin focusses on the political flaws of the Commission’s proposal and warns, not to squander this golden opportunity for reforming the fiscal rules.
On the reform of fiscal rules, the EU risks letting a once-in-a-decade opportunity slip. The time window for a successful reform is tight. And the Commission’s current proposal is economically sound but politically overconfident. This risks drawing the Commission into political fights it cannot win, and would repeat some of the mistakes of the last reform process. At the same, current rules remain impossible to apply. Those who romanticize the old framework therefore need to realize that a retreat to the old system is not an option. The EU thus needs a compromise and needs it fast. To get there in the little time left, we propose four improvements: first, the system needs some numerical benchmarks for debt reduction in the adjustment period; second, it should include a clear definition of the scope of possible deviations through growth-oriented reforms and investments; third it should come with explicit carve-outs for national expenditures linked to some EU programs; and fourth, it needs credible enforcement through better ownership not only at the national but also at the European level.
For this topic, see also our past Short Cut with Jeromin Zettelmeyer and Achim Truger on the Commission’s proposal.
What the World Bank Can Do About Climate Change – Article
Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg, Project Syndicate, 21.03.2023
As the World Bank undergoes a change in leadership and prepares to adapt its mission to address global warming, it should focus on what it does best. In addition to financial resources, its greatest strength lies in its ability to generate evidence-based solutions and bring them to policymakers’ attention.
A New China Strategy – Article (German)
Michael Hüther, Maximilien Goux, Martin Klein, Britta Kuhn, Ulrich Blum, Wirtschaftsdienst, March 2023
For some years now, China has been the world’s most important economy in terms of purchasing power parity. The dominance of the Chinese economy seems to pose challenges to the industrial and trade policies of the classic industrialised countries. China has been viewed more critically in the USA and Europe at least since US President Donald Trump took office. Both the Chinese social and economic model are the subject of controversial debates. In addition, China is gaining weight in relation to the current geostrategic challenges, as shown, for example, by the tensions between the USA and China in light of the discussion about the so-called Thucydides Trap. In this respect, it is understandable that a new China strategy is being debated.
Companies boost profits and drive inflation – Where are the central banks? – Article (German, Paywall)
Torsten Riecke, Handelsblatt, 22.03.2023
Monetary guardians underestimate the importance of corporate profits for the stubborn upward pressure on prices, economists say. A revaluation would have enormous consequences.
The future of energy-intensive industries – interim report from our industry project – Study (German)
Janek Steitz, Dezernat Zukunft, March 2023
Interim report: Energy costs of energy-intensive industries on the way to climate neutrality – an international comparison.
The Simplest Fix for Banking – Article
Jan Eeckhout, Project Syndicate, 23.03.2023
Following the latest banking crisis, monetary authorities should seriously consider how modern digital technologies could be used to avert such problems in the future. A central bank digital currency would both eliminate many barriers to financial transactions and end the risk of bank runs once and for all.
Industrial policy: taking complex interdependencies into account – Article (German)
Simon Junker and Claus Michelsen, Wirtschaftsdienst, March 2023
The discussion on whether and how a new industrial policy should be implemented is currently intense. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology is working on a strategy to cope with the transformative tasks of the coming decades while at the same time preserving the country’s industrial structure.
Another Predictable Bank Failure – Article
Joseph Stiglitz, Project Syndicate, 13.02.2023
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is emblematic of deep failures in the conduct of both regulatory and monetary policy. Will those who helped create this mess play a constructive role in minimizing the damage, and will all of us – bankers, investors, policymakers, and the public – finally learn the right lessons?
How companies face the shortage of skilled workers – Article (German)
Julia Freuding, Johanna Garnitz and Stefan Sauer, Makronom, 16.03.2023
Unsurprisingly, from a company’s point of view, a comprehensive package of political measures is needed in the fight against the shortage of skilled workers. But most companies have now also realised that they have to take action themselves to find suitable staff.
The 72-hour scramble to save the United States from a banking crisis – Article
Jeff Stein, Tony Romm and Gerrit De Vynck, Washington Post, 14.03.2023
It seemed like a simple question: Did the treasury secretary have any concerns about the economic risks posed by Silicon Valley Bank?
The burden of debt – Article (German)
Mark Schieritz, Die Zeit, 16.03.2023
The interest costs in the budget have increased tenfold, says Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner. That sounds dizzying. How does he come up with it?
The Silicon Valley Bank fallout makes the case for digital currencies – Column
Martin Sandbu, Financial Times, 16.03.2023
If we think all deposits must be safe, what is the point of banks?
SVB and the Fed – Blog Post
Noah Smith, Noahpinion, 15.03.2023
Financial Dominance? Charting a course between inflation and bank failures.
When? 22.03.2023, 3pm (CET)
Where? Online, Register here.
One obvious way to tackle gender inequality in economics is simply to promote more women to leadership roles within the discipline. Yet deeper structural impediments show that this option is not as simple as it seems. What more needs to be done to create the conditions for achieving genuine inclusivity in the field – especially for women from the Global South and other traditionally marginalized communities?
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