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the New Economy Ticker
The latest news, debates, proposals and developments on new economic thinking at a glance.
‘Degrowth’ starts to move in from Europe’s policy fringes – Article
Martin Sandbu, Financial Times, 30.05.2023
Unorthodox economic ideas are finding a mainstream audience as climate change bites.
The eurozone won’t work without safe government bonds – Article
Fabian Lindner, Social Europe, 30.05.2023
The arcane notion of ‘monetary dominance’ lay behind the last eurozone crisis. Unless challenged, it could underlie another one.
What is the cost of the world? 630 trillion dollars – Article (German)
Henrik Müller, Der Spiegel, 28.05.2023
A new study calculates how much fixed assets are worth around the globe. Within two decades, the sum has quadrupled. This raises fundamental questions about our economic system.
The Deficit Myth is Hanging On for Dear Life – Blogpost
Stephanie Kelton, Substack, 30.05.2023
The old playbook is making a comeback. Democrats and Republics are closing in on a “debt” limit deal with the “Fiscal Responsibility Act”
The anti-social recession – Column (German)
Marcel Fratzscher, Die Zeit, 26.05.2023
The economy has slipped into recession. This hits people on low incomes especially hard. Especially for them, no recovery is foreseeable for years.
IIPP to establish a Public Sector Capabilities Index – Press Statement
UCL IIPP, with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, has launched a new research initiative to establish a public sector capabilities index – the first global measure of governments’ capacity to solve problems.
Pride and Misjudgement (Paywall, German)
Sebastian Thieme, FAZ, 23.05.2023
Economics refuses to engage in a dialogue with Plural Economics. Yet the latter has long been able to prove its criticism of the subject.
A trade-off entails that not all conflicting goals can be realised at the same time. There must be compromises and prioritisation. As Jean Pisani-Ferry writes in a recent article, the European Union seems to be avoiding an obvious trade-off between climate protection, competitiveness and debt rules at the moment.
The most prudent course would be for the bloc to ease fiscal constraints through a green carve-out or a common-debt scheme, backed by an agreement to increase its own resources. Admittedly, such a move would risk triggering macroeconomic instability. But it would be less harmful than sacrificing competitiveness or letting the multilateral system crumble. Insisting on fiscal rectitude may confront the EU with significant losses on other fronts. Contrary to what some European policymakers may believe, the transition to clean energy will not be costless. The choice facing European policymakers is straightforward: act now to address these costs, or pay a much higher price later.
Read the whole article here.
Dieses Grundeinkommen wünschen sich die Deutschen – Article (German)
Florian Diekmann, Spiegel, 23.05.23
Jeden Monat Geld vom Staat für alle: Diese Idee ist in Deutschland sehr umstritten. Nun haben Forschende ermittelt, wie ein mehrheitsfähiges Grundeinkommen aussehen müsste, wie hoch es wäre – und wer besonders dafür ist.
European public goods and fiscal rules for the new economic policy – Article
Angel Ubide, El Pais, 21.05.23
The EU will not achieve its goals for strategic autonomy and decarbonization, without a budget to support them.
Economist Daron Acemoglu: ‘When mistakes involve powerful technologies, you’re going to have trouble’ – Interview
Rana Foroohar, FT, 19.05.23
The MIT professor on how AI can benefit the workers not ‘the takers’ — and seeing the world from Trump supporters’ point of view.
Wohlbefinden als neues Wachstumsmaß – Article (German)
Werner Mussler, FAZ, 16.05.23
Die Wachstumsaussichten für die EU sind in diesem und im kommenden Jahr eher mager. Ist das der Grund, warum die EU-Kommission sich neue Definitionen überlegt?
IWF fordert Reform der deutschen Schuldenbremse – Article (German)
Rheinische Post, 16.05.23
Alternde Bevölkerung, kaum Wirtschaftswachstum, hohe Inflation — der Internationale Währungsfonds zeichnet für Deutschland keine besonders rosige Zukunft. Um wirtschaftlich wieder leistungsfähiger zu werden, sollte die Bundesregierung die Schuldenbremse lockern, rät die Washingtoner Finanzorganisation.
Europe can’t decide how to unplug from China – Artikel (Paywall)
The Economist, 15.05.23
How should Europe handle China? The continent is trying to decide. After decades of pursuing trade, Europeans are pondering how much to decouple.
The IMF has in its recent mission report for Germany suggested to undertake reforms to create fiscal space for higher public investment and rising aging-related spending, and accelerate the green transition. In contrast to the current expenditure based austerity course of the traffic light coalition, the IMF proposes to gain fiscal space by revenue-side policies and an update of the fiscal rules. One example includes temporary solidarity taxes on higher-income households. But also reforming property taxes or reducing subsidies that are environmentally detrimental are named.
Although Germany has ample fiscal space to respond to shocks, there is hardly any room left under the constitutional debt-brake rule, which limits annual new structural borrowing to 0.35 percent of GDP at the federal level. [… ] To provide adequate funding for the green transition, digitalization, and boosting human and physical capital, Germany may need to create new fiscal room by undertaking expenditure reforms, mobilizing additional revenue, and/or adjusting the debt brake rule. Such measures could include, for example, reforming property taxes and/or reducing subsidies that are distortionary or environmentally harmful.
A reform of the German debt brake is also encouraged:
Germany should consider adjusting the debt-brake rule to better align it with EU fiscal rules and lessen reliance on extrabudgetary funds. To enhance transparency, cohesion with EU fiscal rules, and the effectiveness of the debt brake, the government should consider revising the rule to limit use of extrabudgetary funds and increase somewhat the annual deficit limit, perhaps by 1 percentage point of GDP. The latter change would make the rule more realistic, given Germany’s significant medium-term spending needs, while at the same time ensuring that debt continues to decline below 60 percent of GDP.
Read the whole IMF-statement here.
More than just women working full-time – Article (German)
Lisa Hanzl, Makronom, 15.05.23
A progressive, feminist labour market policy must have a transformative character in order to break up currently dominant structures. But what do policies that tackle inequality at its source look like?
The threat and promise of artificial intelligence – Column
Martin Wolf, Financial Times, 09.05.23
It might be the most transformative technology of all for human beings’ sense of themselves.
Credit Suisse: Too big to manage, too big to resolve, or simply too big? – Policy Brief
Anat Admati, Martin Hellwig, Richard Portes, CEPR, 08.05.23
The runs on Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse in March 2023 revived attention on banking regulation, resolution, and government intervention. This column analyses the details of the run on Credit Suisse and its eventual takeover by UBS.
(No) Fear of the Grim Reaper? – Article (German)
Moritz Gartiser, Makronom, 08.05.23
A significant driver of inequality in Germany is the decline in the taxation of high wealth. An analysis of media coverage of inheritance tax now provides indications of how tax cuts are publicly commented on and legitimised.
Washington’s New Narrative for the Global Economy – Article
Dani Rodrik, Project Syndicate, 05.05.23
While the Biden administration’s economic agenda represents a welcome departure from past Democratic presidencies, its latest actions against China have raised concerns about protectionism. But recent developments suggest that the US can address its national-security concerns without undermining the global economy.
No sign of a wage-price spiral – Parliamentary News (German)
Deutscher Bundestag, Parlamentsnachrichten, 02.05.23
So far, the federal government sees no signs of a wage-price spiral driving inflation. In its answer (20/6569) to a small question of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group (20/6258), the government further writes that the relief packages and the inflation compensation premium would work against a wage-price spiral. In the Eurozone, too, there are currently no signs of a wage-price spiral.