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the New Economy Ticker
The latest news, debates, proposals and developments on new economic thinking at a glance.
Global carbon pricing has a bright future – Column
Martin Sandbu, Financial Times, 05.10.2023
The Biden scorecard: the verdict of Unhedged and Chartbook – Article
Adam Tooze, Financial Times, 05.10.2023
The first of three collaborations with historian Adam Tooze
From missed chances to green advances: The case for a green industrial strategy – Report
Institute for Public Policy Research, Report, October 2023
The transition to net zero is the economic opportunity of the 21st century. But claims of UK leadership in capturing the economic benefits of the transition to a green economy are wide of the mark.
Industrial Policy with Conditionalities: A Taxonomy and Sample Cases – Study
Mariana Mazzucato and Dani Rodrik, Working Paper, September 2023
This paper illuminates how conditionalities can be applied to catalyse investment, innovation and growth that is aligned with the goal of shaping more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient economies.
How Finance Became the Problem – Article
Katharina Pistor, Project Syndicate, 05.10.2023
Over time, finance has evolved from playing a crucial but merely intermediary role in the economy, to becoming the driving force behind most decision-making, even by governments. Financialization has become so deeply rooted that we seem to have unlearned politics.
No industrial policy is no solution either – Article (German)
Henning Vöpel, Makronom, 05.10.2023
Why transformative regulatory policy is better than dirigiste industrial policy.
Europe in the Age of Industrial Policy – Article
Michael Spence, Project Syndicate, 26.06.2023
While China and the US take advantage of scale to pursue large-scale investment in critical sectors, the EU struggles to follow suit, owing to its decentralized fiscal structures and rules limiting government subsidies to industry. A new EU-level investment program is urgently needed.
What the market does not know – Article (German, Paywall)
Lisa Herzog, FAZ, 22.09.2023
Market faith is reaching its limits, decisions are not always made exclusively rationally. Now the reasonable citizen is called upon.
State without a plan – Essay (German, Paywall)
Georg Diez, die Zeit, 13.09.2023
After decades of neoliberal deregulation, the state is once again in demand. All the more reason why a vision of what the state should look like in the future is finally needed in this country.
Europe’s rightward drift is not set in stone: our new research should give hope to the left – Article
Julia Cagé and Thomas Piketty, The Guardian, 26.06.2023
We’ve examined French voting data going back to the revolution – and it shows the politics of migration is a dead end.
Germany must now make a fresh start – Guest article (German)
Isabella Weber, die Zeit, 08.09.2023
In response to the crisis, Germany now urgently needs a comprehensive investment agenda. An industrial electricity price is indispensable, but only one building block.
Wie Minimum wages work – Article (German)
Bernd Fitzenberger, Mario Bossler, FAZ, 26.09.2023
Has the introduction of the statutory minimum wage led to a decline in employment in Germany?
In its recent monthly report, Germany’s central bank has issued a stark warning about the country’s economic vulnerability due to its heavy reliance on trade with China. The report identified several key factors putting Germany’s “business model” at risk, including its dependence on China, high energy prices, and labor shortages. According to the Bundesbank, de-risking from trade with China also adds to the economic slowdown, with the IMF expecting 0.3% shrinkage in growth for 2023.
Read the whole report (in German) here, which is also featured in a recent Financial Times article here.
Thinkin’ Bout a Revolution – Article (German)
Branko Milanovic, Makronom, 07.09.2023
The seemingly anti-capitalist revolution of 1968 made the world safe for capitalism – and strengthened the positions of the right.
Unequal Germany: Socio-economic Disparities Report 2023 – Study (German)
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, September 2023
Inequality between urban and rural regions as well as differences between economically dynamic regions and those affected by structural change – Germany is a socially and spatially unequal country.
Olaf Scholz, the improbable role model – Article
Robert Misik, Social Europe, 04.09.2023
A state that protects—and a bulwark for democracy and modernity. Is this, Robert Misik asks, the new paradigm of the democratic left?
The EU is poised for a giant leap towards further integration – Column
Martin Sandbu, Financial Times, 04.09.2023
There is increasingly serious talk in the bloc about all manner of far-reaching reform.
G20 must forge agreement to increase tax on rich, say campaigners – Article
The Guardian, Larry Elliott, 05.09.2023
Letter from almost 300 millionaires, economists and politicians says urgent action needed to prevent extreme wealth.
Inequality and Democracy – Article
Joseph Stiglitz, Project Syndicate, 31.08.2023
With the right political reforms, democracies can become more inclusive, more responsive to citizens, and less responsive to the corporations and rich individuals who currently hold the purse strings. But salvaging democratic politics also will require far-reaching economic reforms.
On the occasion of its 5th birthday, Finanzwende e.V. in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation is organising a panel discussion in Berlin on 13.09.2023 at 18:00.
Against the background of the climate crisis and the increasing financialisation of areas such as health or housing, questions are being raised about the role of the financial market in these developments. The panel discussion will focus on how the financial market must be promoted, realigned and pushed back for a social and ecological transformation. The panelists will be: Claudia Kemfert, Gerhard Schick, Jörg Asmussen and Reiner Hoffmann. Verena von Ondarza will moderate.
Register here.