Countdown: Follow Along the Launch of Our New Wealth Simulator
Countdown: Only a few days left until the launch of our wealth simulator at the XIII New Paradigm Workshop on 10 November in Berlin.
6. NOVEMBER 2023
What would actually change if a one percent wealth tax were introduced in Germany? Would the share of the richest be significantly smaller in ten years? Would it make any more of a difference if every 20-year-old was given €30,000 in government start-up capital? In the future, anyone will be able to calculate what the outcome would be if other measures were taken – using an interactive simulation calculator on a new Forum website.
The launch of the simulator and its results on 10 November in Berlin is just a few days away!
We are delighted to have Branko Milanovic, one of the world’s leading researchers on inequality, and BMWK Chief Economist Elga Bartsch, among others, join us live and in person.
Last-minute registrations are still possible. Those who cannot join us live will be able to follow the event on November 10 via LIVESTREAM. You can also follow us on Twitter @ForumNewEconomy for live updates and insights on the day.
We look forward to many stimulating discussions and hope you will join us.