The End of Capitalism? On Economic Growth, Energy Transition and Planned Economy
2.30 pm

Do we all have to cut back drastically in order to save the climate? Yes, writes journalist Ulrike Herrmann in her book about the “end of capitalism” – because we can no longer generate enough renewable energy to maintain today’s economic output. And: judging by the sales figures, the thesis also seems popular. However, the question is quite controversial among experts. Reason enough to discuss it in our next New Economy Short Cut: with the author, columnist and HAW professor Christian Stöcker, and Würzburg macroeconomist Peter Bofinger. We would be delighted to have you join in the discussion.

Ulrike Herrmann
is an economic journalist at the taz and studied history and philosophy at the FU Berlin. Her book "The End of Capitalism. Why growth and climate protection are incompatible - and how we will live in the future" has been widely acclaimed and discussed.

Peter Bofinger
is Professor of Economics, Money and International Economic Relations at the University of Würzburg. From 2004 to 2019, he was a member of the German Council of Economic Experts.

Christian Stöcker
is a columnist for SPIEGEL and Professor of Digital Communication at HAW Hamburg, where he is responsible for the Digital Communication course.