Why Are Americans So Angry Despite the Boom?
17:00 Uhr

Recently, there has been much speculation as to why Americans are so dissatisfied with the economic situation in the US – and why President Biden enjoys so little popularity. After all, the economy and the labor market are booming, real wages have risen, especially for low-income workers, and inflation has even fallen significantly recently.
According to a new study by Katherine Cramer and Jonathan Cohen, the central explanation is a lack of financial security. As part of an interdisciplinary and bipartisan ‘Commission on Reimagining Our Economy’ of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the two have examined the most pressing challenges facing Americans.
We cordially invite you to join us in discussing the study results with us at our upcoming New Economy Short Cut on May 2, 2024 at 17:00 (CET) – via Zoom (Register here)

Katherine Cramer
is Natalie C. Holton Chair of Letters & Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and co-chair of the American Academy of Arts and Science’s Commission on Reimagining Our Economy.

Jonathan Cohen
is the Joan and Irwin Jacobs Senior Program Officer for American Institutions, Society, and the Public Good at the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, where he is the lead staffer for the Commission on Reimagining Our Economy.

Teresa Ghilarducci
is the Bernard and Irene Schwartz Chair of Economic Policy Analysis at the New School for Social Research. She is an economist and recognized expert in political economy, recently focusing on older worker labor markets and retirement security.