Climate policy and jobs - With Jonas Fluchtmann and Anke Hassel
4 pm CET

The auto industry crisis in Germany gives an idea of what will happen if the transition to a climate-neutral economy goes wrong. In the “Employment Outlook” published this summer, OECD economists analyzed how regionally concentrated structural breaks and waves of redundancies can be prevented – a challenge that will also occupy the next German government.
Which regions and employees will be particularly affected by the transformation? And what measures could be taken to maximise the opportunities and avoid negative effects as far as possible? What role could the social partners play in this?
In our next New Economy Short Cut2 we talk about this with Jonas Fluchtmann, co-author of the OECD report, and with labor market expert Anke Hassel, who also covered this issue in a recent report. The Short Cut will be held in cooperation between the Forum New Economy and the OECD Berlin Center.

Anke Hassel
is Professor of Public Policy at the Hertie School. She has extensive international experience and scientific expertise in the fields of the labour market, social partnership, codetermination and the comparative political economy of developed industrial nations.

Jonas Fluchtmann
is a labour market economist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. He holds a PhD in labour market economics from Aarhus University in Denmark and conducts analytical research on social policy and labour market issues.