On the best/ worst of Mankiw
For decades, few other textbooks have influenced young economists as much as those by Gregory Mankiw. Peter Bofinger, Professor of Economics at the University of Würzburg, received all the more attention when he recently argued how supposedly one-sided and out of touch with reality some of the books’ key statements are. Rightly so? We have invited Peter Bofinger to present and discuss his critique in our New Economy Short Cut and he was joined by Gregory Mankiw himself. Also on the panel to discuss this topic were Rüdiger Bachmann, Professor of Economics at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana and Anna Reisch, a former member of the chair of Netzwerk für Plurale Ökonomik.
If you want to read Peter Bofinger’s review in, you can find it here – optionally in German or English.