The Path to Prosperity in a Post-Global World - With Rana Foroohar and Holger Görg
3.30 pm CET

Has the era of globalization ended? In her recent book ‘Homecoming: The Path to Prosperity in a Post-Global World’, Financial Times columnist and CNN analyst Rana Foroohar argues that we urgently need to move from globalization to regionalization in order to usher in a more equitable and prosperous future. We have invited her to discuss her theses at our next New Economy Short Cut with the Head of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Holger Görg.
From the pandemic to the war in Ukraine and the political and economic chaos that followed, recent developments have brought the fragility of global trade and supply chains to light. Tracing the history of globalization over the last 50 years, Foroohar maintains that a fragmentation has been coming for decades, driven by the massive inequalities, economic insecurity, and the upswing in populism globalization produced.
But is globalization really over – or will it just look differently? Will regionalization allow us to create more resilient supply chains and reunite place and prosperity? And what would a post-global era mean for the creation of good jobs – and the goal of sustainability?
We cordially invite you to participate in the discussion. The Short Cut will be held in English.

Rana Foroohar
is Global Business Columnist and an Associate Editor at the Financial Times. She is also CNN’s global economic analyst. Her new book, Homecoming: The Path to Prosperity in a Post Global World, was published in October 2022.

Holger Görg
is Professor of Foreign Economics at Christian Albrecht University in Kiel and Head of the Research Area 'International Trade and Investment' at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. He has headed the Kiel Centre for Globalization since 2016.